Sunday, August 19, 2007

Kabir Das

Kabir Das: What can I say? I have been listening to these CDs called Kabir Amritvani and I am amazed at what a saint like him could write 600 years back. Each and every doha and couplet is so insightful and inspiring. I read his couplets many many years back when I was a kid and didn't realize the power of it then. Now when I can relate to lot of things and understand much better than I did then, I must say these are the real life teachings and a must to hear/read.

These are the ones I still can remember from school time:

१. बडा हुआ तो क्या हुआ, जैसे पेड खजूर
पंथी को छाया नहीं, फल लागे अती दूर

In vain is the eminence, just like a date tree
No shade for travelers, fruit is hard to reach

२. कबीरा गर्व ना कीजिये, उंचा देख आवास
काल परों बहिन लेटना, ऊपर जम्सी घास


Says Kabir
Don't be so proud and vain
Looking at your high mansion
Death makes one lie on bare land
And grass will grow thereon

३. पोथी पढ़ पढ़ कर जग मुआ, पंडित भयो ना कोए
ढाई आखर प्रेम के, जो पढे सो पंडित होए

Reading books everyone died, none became any wise
One who reads the word of Love, only becomes wise

४. ऐसी वाणी बोलिए, मन का आपा खोए
अपना तन शीतल करे, औरन को सुख होए

Speak such words, sans ego's ploy
Body remains composed, giving the listener joy

५. दुःख में सिमरन सब करे, सुख में करे ना कोए
जो सुख में सिमरन करे, तौ दुःख कहे को होए

In anguish everyone prays to Him, in joy does none
To One who prays in happiness, how sorrow can come

६. कबीर यह घर प्रेम का, खला का घर नहीं
सीस उतारे हाथ कर, सो पासे घर महीन

Kabir, this is the abode of love
Not the house of an aunt
Only that one can enter here
Who has relinquished all pride

. जब में था तब हरी नाहींजब हरी है में नहीं

सब अँधियारा मीट गया‚ जब दीपक देख्या महीन

When "I" was then Hari was not, Now Hari "is" and "I" am not
All the darkness (illusions) mitigated, When I saw the light (illumination) within.

. साईं इतना दीजीए, जा में कुटुंब समाये

मैं भी भूखा ना रहूँ, साधू ना भूखा जाये

Give so much O God, suffice to envelop my clan
I should not suffer cravings, nor the visitor goes unfed



  1. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Thanks for the translation. I understood some of them when I heard the album, but couldnt understand a lot of it.
    Truly amazing !!

  2. It is a very good collection. I actually came upon your blog as I was looking for dohe of Kabir Sahib. I have included a few on my blog Just thought you would be interested.
    Thank you

  3. Thanks for that link Rajeev.
